Solar powered operation

The EXIT-I operates using solar energy, making it self-sufficient and environmentally friendly. It eliminates the need for external power sources, reducing installation costs and energy consumption.

Intelligent detection

The system utilises the advanced detection technology of AI sensors and traffic cameras to monitor vehicle movements in exit and chevron areas. It detects unauthorised entry or vehicles travelling in the wrong direction, triggering appropriate enforcement actions.

Real-time alerts and warnings

The system provides real-time alerts and warnings to the control centre of drivers who attempt to enter or travel in the wrong direction at exists or chevron areas.

Automated violation recording

The EXIT-I automatically records violations, capturing evidence such as photos and video footage of vehicles entering or travelling in the wrong the direction. This data is used for enforcement purposes, incident investigation, or as evidence in legal proceedings.

Data logging and reporting

The system logs and stores data on vehicle movements, violations, and enforcement activities. It can generate comprehensive reports for analysis, trend monitoring, and the evaluation of exit and chevron area safety.

Integration with traffic management systems

EXIT-I can be integrated with existing traffic management systems or infrastructure, allowing for centralised monitoring and control. This enables coordinated responses, synchronisation with other traffic systems, and seamless integration into overall traffic management operations.